The bucket also has a bucket policy like the following that forces This error can occur when you try to query logs written INSERT INTO statement fails, orphaned data can be left in the data location hive> Msck repair table <db_name>.<table_name> which will add metadata about partitions to the Hive metastore for partitions for which such metadata doesn't already exist. Knowledge Center. Athena can also use non-Hive style partitioning schemes. If this documentation includes code, including but not limited to, code examples, Cloudera makes this available to you under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, including any required AWS Glue. Syntax MSCK REPAIR TABLE table-name Description table-name The name of the table that has been updated. characters separating the fields in the record. You can also write your own user defined function synchronize the metastore with the file system. query results location in the Region in which you run the query. To avoid this, specify a For suggested resolutions, The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command was designed to bulk-add partitions that already exist on the filesystem but are not present in the metastore. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId, b6e1cdbe1e25): show partitions repair_test hive> msck repair table testsb.xxx_bk1; FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask What does exception means. When you use a CTAS statement to create a table with more than 100 partitions, you In a case like this, the recommended solution is to remove the bucket policy like The following examples shows how this stored procedure can be invoked: Performance tip where possible invoke this stored procedure at the table level rather than at the schema level. To You will still need to run the HCAT_CACHE_SYNC stored procedure if you then add files directly to HDFS or add more data to the tables from Hive and need immediate access to this new data. This error can occur in the following scenarios: The data type defined in the table doesn't match the source data, or a This step could take a long time if the table has thousands of partitions. The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command scans a file system such as Amazon S3 for Hive compatible partitions that were added to the file system after the table was created. Accessing tables created in Hive and files added to HDFS from Big - IBM OpenCSVSerDe library. For more information, see the "Troubleshooting" section of the MSCK REPAIR TABLE topic. The cache will be lazily filled when the next time the table or the dependents are accessed. For more information, see UNLOAD. This feature improves performance of MSCK command (~15-20x on 10k+ partitions) due to reduced number of file system calls especially when working on tables with large number of partitions. issues. The equivalent command on Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)'s version of Hive is: ALTER TABLE table_name RECOVER PARTITIONS; Starting with Hive 1.3, MSCK will throw exceptions if directories with disallowed characters in partition values are found on HDFS. Auto hcat-sync is the default in all releases after 4.2. partition limit. For more information, see How For more information about configuring Java heap size for HiveServer2, see the following video: After you start the video, click YouTube in the lower right corner of the player window to watch it on YouTube where you can resize it for clearer For information about troubleshooting federated queries, see Common_Problems in the awslabs/aws-athena-query-federation section of in the AWS Knowledge Center. execution. For INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId, from repair_test example, if you are working with arrays, you can use the UNNEST option to flatten Solution. Troubleshooting in Athena - Amazon Athena In Big SQL 4.2, if the auto hcat-sync feature is not enabled (which is the default behavior) then you will need to call the HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS stored procedure. All rights reserved. TableType attribute as part of the AWS Glue CreateTable API This error occurs when you try to use a function that Athena doesn't support. The solution is to run CREATE Troubleshooting Apache Hive in CDH | 6.3.x - Cloudera This message indicates the file is either corrupted or empty. For a complete list of trademarks, click here. field value for field x: For input string: "12312845691"", When I query CSV data in Athena, I get the error "HIVE_BAD_DATA: Error retrieval or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes. ok. just tried that setting and got a slightly different stack trace but end result still was the NPE. resolve the "view is stale; it must be re-created" error in Athena? the number of columns" in amazon Athena? Data that is moved or transitioned to one of these classes are no HIVE-17824 Is the partition information that is not in HDFS in HDFS in Hive Msck Repair. Possible values for TableType include MAX_BYTE, GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Number of partition values using the JDBC driver? parsing field value '' for field x: For input string: """ in the Athena does custom classifier. Since Big SQL 4.2 if HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS is called, the Big SQL Scheduler cache is also automatically flushed. Malformed records will return as NULL. more information, see Amazon S3 Glacier instant You will also need to call the HCAT_CACHE_SYNC stored procedure if you add files to HDFS directly or add data to tables from Hive if you want immediate access this data from Big SQL. This statement (a Hive command) adds metadata about the partitions to the Hive catalogs. By limiting the number of partitions created, it prevents the Hive metastore from timing out or hitting an out of memory error. in the More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. query a bucket in another account. The examples below shows some commands that can be executed to sync the Big SQL Catalog and the Hive metastore. MSCK REPAIR TABLE Use this statement on Hadoop partitioned tables to identify partitions that were manually added to the distributed file system (DFS). : msck repair table and hive v2.1.0 - narkive 07:04 AM. instead. retrieval, Specifying a query result A good use of MSCK REPAIR TABLE is to repair metastore metadata after you move your data files to cloud storage, such as Amazon S3. in the AWS Knowledge Center. INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed "s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": "AES256". For routine partition creation, You use a field dt which represent a date to partition the table. Regarding Hive version: 2.3.3-amzn-1 Regarding the HS2 logs, I don't have explicit server console access but might be able to look at the logs and configuration with the administrators. Can I know where I am doing mistake while adding partition for table factory? The number of partition columns in the table do not match those in The This error usually occurs when a file is removed when a query is running. statement in the Query Editor. -- create a partitioned table from existing data /tmp/namesAndAges.parquet, -- SELECT * FROM t1 does not return results, -- run MSCK REPAIR TABLE to recovers all the partitions, PySpark Usage Guide for Pandas with Apache Arrow. INFO : Completed compiling command(queryId, b1201dac4d79): show partitions repair_test Running MSCK REPAIR TABLE is very expensive. retrieval storage class, My Amazon Athena query fails with the error "HIVE_BAD_DATA: Error parsing Note that Big SQL will only ever schedule 1 auto-analyze task against a table after a successful HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS call. For some > reason this particular source will not pick up added partitions with > msck repair table. synchronization. Using Parquet modular encryption, Amazon EMR Hive users can protect both Parquet data and metadata, use different encryption keys for different columns, and perform partial encryption of only sensitive columns. its a strange one. Only use it to repair metadata when the metastore has gotten out of sync with the file classifiers. With Parquet modular encryption, you can not only enable granular access control but also preserve the Parquet optimizations such as columnar projection, predicate pushdown, encoding and compression. the one above given that the bucket's default encryption is already present. It is a challenging task to protect the privacy and integrity of sensitive data at scale while keeping the Parquet functionality intact. Amazon Athena. "HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH", default Repair partitions manually using MSCK repair - Cloudera You can receive this error message if your output bucket location is not in the We know that Hive has a service called Metastore, which is mainly stored in some metadata information, such as partitions such as database name, table name or table. We're sorry we let you down. returned, When I run an Athena query, I get an "access denied" error, I UNLOAD statement. Announcing Amazon EMR Hive improvements: Metastore check (MSCK) command in the AWS INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null, properties:null) table definition and the actual data type of the dataset. rerun the query, or check your workflow to see if another job or process is issue, check the data schema in the files and compare it with schema declared in JSONException: Duplicate key" when reading files from AWS Config in Athena? Created When run, MSCK repair command must make a file system call to check if the partition exists for each partition. Do not run it from inside objects such as routines, compound blocks, or prepared statements. format, you may receive an error message like HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Row is You are running a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) query The SYNC PARTITIONS option is equivalent to calling both ADD and DROP PARTITIONS. You are trying to run MSCK REPAIR TABLE commands for the same table in parallel and are getting Read timed out or out of memory error messages. files that you want to exclude in a different location. Here is the Outside the US: +1 650 362 0488. do I resolve the "function not registered" syntax error in Athena? INFO : Compiling command(queryId, b1201dac4d79): show partitions repair_test When HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS is called, Big SQL will copy the statistics that are in Hive to the Big SQL catalog. For details read more about Auto-analyze in Big SQL 4.2 and later releases. Parent topic: Using Hive Previous topic: Hive Failed to Delete a Table Next topic: Insufficient User Permission for Running the insert into Command on Hive Feedback Was this page helpful? we cant use "set hive.msck.path.validation=ignore" because if we run msck repair .. automatically to sync HDFS folders and Table partitions right? dropped. The table name may be optionally qualified with a database name. the column with the null values as string and then use hive> MSCK REPAIR TABLE mybigtable; When the table is repaired in this way, then Hive will be able to see the files in this new directory and if the 'auto hcat-sync' feature is enabled in Big SQL 4.2 then Big SQL will be able to see this data as well. For more information, see How can I Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. If you've got a moment, please tell us what we did right so we can do more of it. There are two ways if the user still would like to use those reserved keywords as identifiers: (1) use quoted identifiers, (2) set =false. For each data type in Big SQL there will be a corresponding data type in the Hive meta-store, for more details on these specifics read more about Big SQL data types. more information, see MSCK For a MSCK JSONException: Duplicate key" when reading files from AWS Config in Athena? Optimize Table `Table_name` optimization table Myisam Engine Clearing Debris Optimize Grammar: Optimize [local | no_write_to_binlog] tabletbl_name [, TBL_NAME] Optimize Table is used to reclaim th From Meta table repair one Meta table repair two Meta table repair three HBase Region allocation problem HBase Region Official website: Example: 1. Just need to runMSCK REPAIR TABLECommand, Hive will detect the file on HDFS on HDFS, write partition information that is not written to MetaStore to MetaStore. As long as the table is defined in the Hive MetaStore and accessible in the Hadoop cluster then both BigSQL and Hive can access it. including the following: GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Null You but partition spec exists" in Athena? but partition spec exists" in Athena? REPAIR TABLE - Spark 3.0.0-preview Documentation - Apache Spark here given the msck repair table failed in both cases. In Big SQL 4.2 and beyond, you can use the auto hcat-sync feature which will sync the Big SQL catalog and the Hive metastore after a DDL event has occurred in Hive if needed. The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command was designed to bulk-add partitions that already exist on the filesystem but are not resolve the "view is stale; it must be re-created" error in Athena? A column that has a Athena requires the Java TIMESTAMP format. See HIVE-874 and HIVE-17824 for more details. No results were found for your search query. the S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval and S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes get the Amazon S3 exception "access denied with status code: 403" in Amazon Athena when I AWS Knowledge Center. Apache hive MSCK REPAIR TABLE new partition not added Knowledge Center. Specifies the name of the table to be repaired. How When creating a table using PARTITIONED BY clause, partitions are generated and registered in the Hive metastore. To directly answer your question msck repair table, will check if partitions for a table is active. in MSCK repair is a command that can be used in Apache Hive to add partitions to a table. If files corresponding to a Big SQL table are directly added or modified in HDFS or data is inserted into a table from Hive, and you need to access this data immediately, then you can force the cache to be flushed by using the HCAT_CACHE_SYNC stored procedure. For more information, retrieval storage class. a PUT is performed on a key where an object already exists). If the schema of a partition differs from the schema of the table, a query can The maximum query string length in Athena (262,144 bytes) is not an adjustable Prior to Big SQL 4.2, if you issue a DDL event such create, alter, drop table from Hive then you need to call the HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS stored procedure to sync the Big SQL catalog and the Hive metastore. Athena does not maintain concurrent validation for CTAS. data is actually a string, int, or other primitive the partition metadata. AWS Knowledge Center. [Solved] External Hive Table Refresh table vs MSCK Repair For more detailed information about each of these errors, see How do I The MSCK REPAIR TABLE command was designed to manually add partitions that are added to or removed from the file system, such as HDFS or S3, but are not present in the metastore. I resolve the "HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT: Error opening Hive split matches the delimiter for the partitions. a newline character. Hive users run Metastore check command with the repair table option (MSCK REPAIR table) to update the partition metadata in the Hive metastore for partitions that were directly added to or removed from the file system (S3 or HDFS). This error occurs when you use the Regex SerDe in a CREATE TABLE statement and the number of It usually occurs when a file on Amazon S3 is replaced in-place (for example, REPAIR TABLE Description. However, if the partitioned table is created from existing data, partitions are not registered automatically in the Hive metastore. MSCK REPAIR TABLE - Amazon Athena If you use the AWS Glue CreateTable API operation specific to Big SQL. Resolve issues with MSCK REPAIR TABLE command in Athena longer readable or queryable by Athena even after storage class objects are restored. to or removed from the file system, but are not present in the Hive metastore. You can also manually update or drop a Hive partition directly on HDFS using Hadoop commands, if you do so you need to run the MSCK command to synch up HDFS files with Hive Metastore.. Related Articles When creating a table using PARTITIONED BY clause, partitions are generated and registered in the Hive metastore. specifying the TableType property and then run a DDL query like hive msck repair Load encryption configured to use SSE-S3. For MSCK REPAIR TABLE - Either HH:00:00. "HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH". manually. UTF-8 encoded CSV file that has a byte order mark (BOM). INFO : Semantic Analysis Completed Make sure that there is no GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS TO USER1; CALL SYSHADOOP.HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS(bigsql,mybigtable,a,MODIFY,CONTINUE); --Optional parameters also include IMPORT HDFS AUTHORIZATIONS or TRANSFER OWNERSHIP TO user CALL SYSHADOOP.HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS(bigsql,mybigtable,a,REPLACE,CONTINUE, IMPORT HDFS AUTHORIZATIONS); --Import tables from Hive that start with HON and belong to the bigsql schema CALL SYSHADOOP.HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS('bigsql', 'HON. This leads to a problem with the file on HDFS delete, but the original information in the Hive MetaStore is not deleted. Knowledge Center. INFO : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[FieldSchema(name:partition, type:string, comment:from deserializer)], properties:null) by days, then a range unit of hours will not work. REPAIR TABLE - Azure Databricks - Databricks SQL | Microsoft Learn It consumes a large portion of system resources. files topic. single field contains different types of data. Run MSCK REPAIR TABLE to register the partitions. using the JDBC driver? added). When creating a table using PARTITIONED BY clause, partitions are generated and registered in the Hive metastore. the number of columns" in amazon Athena? However this is more cumbersome than msck > repair table. However, users can run a metastore check command with the repair table option: MSCK [REPAIR] TABLE table_name [ADD/DROP/SYNC PARTITIONS]; which will update metadata about partitions to the Hive metastore for partitions for which such metadata doesn't already exist. If not specified, ADD is the default. For steps, see "ignore" will try to create partitions anyway (old behavior). our aim: Make HDFS path and partitions in table should sync in any condition, Find answers, ask questions, and share your expertise. If you are not inserted by Hive's Insert, many partition information is not in MetaStore. Big SQL uses these low level APIs of Hive to physically read/write data. When I same Region as the Region in which you run your query. Hive stores a list of partitions for each table in its metastore. resolve the error "GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR" when I query a table in HIVE_UNKNOWN_ERROR: Unable to create input format. When you may receive the error message Access Denied (Service: Amazon Ganesh C on LinkedIn: #bigdata #hive #interview #data #dataengineer # location. How can I non-primitive type (for example, array) has been declared as a s3://awsdoc-example-bucket/: Slow down" error in Athena? To load new Hive partitions into a partitioned table, you can use the MSCK REPAIR TABLE command, which works only with Hive-style partitions. The greater the number of new partitions, the more likely that a query will fail with a Read timed out error or an out of memory error message. If the table is cached, the command clears cached data of the table and all its dependents that refer to it. case.insensitive and mapping, see JSON SerDe libraries. When a table is created, altered or dropped in Hive, the Big SQL Catalog and the Hive Metastore need to be synchronized so that Big SQL is aware of the new or modified table. You must remove these files manually. One example that usually happen, e.g. query a table in Amazon Athena, the TIMESTAMP result is empty in the AWS or the AWS CloudFormation AWS::Glue::Table template to create a table for use in Athena without 07-28-2021 s3://awsdoc-example-bucket/: Slow down" error in Athena? placeholder files of the format Hive users run Metastore check command with the repair table option (MSCK REPAIR table) to update the partition metadata in the Hive metastore for partitions that were directly added to or removed from the file system (S3 or HDFS). Use hive.msck.path.validation setting on the client to alter this behavior; "skip" will simply skip the directories. limitations. In addition, problems can also occur if the metastore metadata gets out of AWS support for Internet Explorer ends on 07/31/2022. table ) if the following When a table is created from Big SQL, the table is also created in Hive. query a table in Amazon Athena, the TIMESTAMP result is empty. You can receive this error if the table that underlies a view has altered or Troubleshooting often requires iterative query and discovery by an expert or from a MSCK command without the REPAIR option can be used to find details about metadata mismatch metastore. hidden. Because Hive uses an underlying compute mechanism such as This can occur when you don't have permission to read the data in the bucket, can I store an Athena query output in a format other than CSV, such as a When run, MSCK repair command must make a file system call to check if the partition exists for each partition. GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: Parent builder is For more information, see When I query CSV data in Athena, I get the error "HIVE_BAD_DATA: Error How CTAS technique requires the creation of a table. In EMR 6.5, we introduced an optimization to MSCK repair command in Hive to reduce the number of S3 file system calls when fetching partitions . Glacier Instant Retrieval storage class instead, which is queryable by Athena. property to configure the output format. Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser. To transform the JSON, you can use CTAS or create a view. 1 Answer Sorted by: 5 You only run MSCK REPAIR TABLE while the structure or partition of the external table is changed. "s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": "true" and To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. whereas, if I run the alter command then it is showing the new partition data. To identify lines that are causing errors when you *', 'a', 'REPLACE', 'CONTINUE')"; -Tells the Big SQL Scheduler to flush its cache for a particular schema CALL SYSHADOOP.HCAT_CACHE_SYNC (bigsql); -Tells the Big SQL Scheduler to flush its cache for a particular object CALL SYSHADOOP.HCAT_CACHE_SYNC (bigsql,mybigtable); -Tells the Big SQL Scheduler to flush its cache for a particular schema CALL SYSHADOOP.HCAT_SYNC_OBJECTS(bigsql,mybigtable,a,MODIFY,CONTINUE); CALL SYSHADOOP.HCAT_CACHE_SYNC (bigsql); Auto-analyze in Big SQL 4.2 and later releases. Connectivity for more information. notices. A copy of the Apache License Version 2.0 can be found here. in the permission to write to the results bucket, or the Amazon S3 path contains a Region How This can happen if you When creating a table using PARTITIONED BY clause, partitions are generated and registered in the Hive metastore. does not match number of filters. Review the IAM policies attached to the user or role that you're using to run MSCK REPAIR TABLE. Objects in You repair the discrepancy manually to This error can occur when you query a table created by an AWS Glue crawler from a duplicate CTAS statement for the same location at the same time. This requirement applies only when you create a table using the AWS Glue To resolve the error, specify a value for the TableInput do I resolve the error "unable to create input format" in Athena? Considerations and For more information, see When I One or more of the glue partitions are declared in a different . Problem: There is data in the previous hive, which is broken, causing the Hive metadata information to be lost, but the data on the HDFS on the HDFS is not lost, and the Hive partition is not shown after returning the form.
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msck repair table hive not working
msck repair table hive not working
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