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how the flexner report hijacked natural medicine

That seems to be a conflict of interest, to put it mildly. Certainly, Flexners report did have some valid points, but unfortunately the motives for the report were entirely driven my Rockefellers desire for complete control of the medical system. This led to the Flexner Report, which gave birth to the modern medicine as we know it. Abraham Flexner was not a doctor, but a school teacher and educational theorist from Louisville, Kentucky. Rockefeller wasnt content with just wiping out traditional medicine in America, he saw a bigger market on the other side of the world and wanted to remove Traditional Chinese Medicine from China! All the students were taught the same allopathic system and medicine was now defined as a process of prescribing patented drugs. How the Flexner Report hijacked natural medicine Published 5 months ago on July 17, 2022 By Life Force Network Related Topics: Enable the monetization of medicine Progression of pendding pharmaceuticals You may like Click to comment Alternative Health Parasite Focus Detox Guide Published 3 weeks ago on December 4, 2022 By Jodi Hadsell Rockefeller had made a massive fortune with Standard Oil and was setting his sights on gaining a monopoly in the drug and pharmaceutical industry. How the Flexner Report Hijacked Natural Medicine - Cancer Tutor If you've ever wondered how modern-day medicine got to where it is today, you should begin by learning about Abraham Flexner. How the Rockefellers eliminated natural medicine to create the modern pharmaceutical industry. Well, not exactly. Homeopathy and natural medicine were mocked and demonized. And, the rest, as they say, is history. Abraham Flexner was not a doctor, but this school teacher and educational theorist from Louisville, Kentucky, has had a more significant impact on modern medicine than just about anyone else. It is genetic. How the Flexner Report hijacked natural medicine If you want to do the research, the article has a link to the Flexner Report in PDF form, or you can read / download it on Archive.org, at this page. This disenchantment is both related to the quality of care they receive and also the way in which the business of Western medicine is conducted. The business story of Western medicine, in the modern sense, starts with John D. Rockefeller (18391937). Thus, the Rockefeller family found a way to get rid of their greatest competition using the classic Hegelian dialectic formula: solution-problem-reaction. That is, they created a problem to scare people, and then offered a pre-planned solution. He released the so-called Flexner Report in 1910, which called for the standardization of medical education and concluded there were too many doctors and medical schools in America. Located in sunny Santa Monica, California, we offer the highest level of care to enable people live richer lives and reach their highest potential. If youve ever wondered howmodern-day medicinegot to where it is today, you should begin by learning about Abraham Flexner. After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. This report concluded that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds of years were unscientific quackery. Flexners corpus was all nerves without the life blood of caring. youtu.be/7_n1xL. To eliminate the competition Rockefeller he hired a contractor named Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910. pharmaceutical drugs) to the exclusion of whole-patient care or any of the morenatural treatment options. The state was supposed to, and did, put out of business all medical schools that were proprietary and profit-making, that admitted blacks and women, and that did not specialize in orthodox, allopathic medicine: particularly homeopaths, who were then a substantial part of the medical profession, and a respectable alternative to orthodox allopathy. We know that mono-culture crops are not as resilient as a diversity of crops. Private: Managing Perceptions of the War in Ukraine. Through the power of their huge grants, this powerful team systematically dismantled the previous curricula of these medical schools, removing any mention of the healing power of herbs or natural treatments. For example by law, it is illegal to treat cancer with any modality except chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. The problem with our thinking is systemic and nearly impossible to pinpoint, but if we could start challenging our assumptions we could get somewhere. March 21, 2020 Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. Farben,Ty Bollingersaid. What the Flexner Report did is not nearly as powerful as what we do every day when we choose a poor lifestyle. As a result, synthetic drugs began to replace natural remedies, which were often difficult to standardize and lacked the financial incentives of . Follow the money. Modern medicine has become such a systemic force that none of this is really shocking to you, right? This suited Rockefeller perfectly he then used the AMA (which may be better called to the American Murder Association due their widespread use and endorsement of toxic vaccines, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation) to compel the Government destroy the natural competition, which it did through regulating medical schools. The Flexner Report [1] is a book-length landmark report of medical education in the United States and Canada, written by Abraham Flexner and published in 1910 under the aegis of the Carnegie Foundation. As an alternative medicine practitioner I have a lot of conversations with patients who are disenchanted with the current Western medicine system. Of course, drugs are patented. The Treatment of Stage IV Cancers [My Free eBook], How To Fund Your Cancer Treatment Without a Loan. And speaking of assumptions, we make a few of our own. There is a connection between the robber barons and medicine. And getting back to the connection between the robber barons and medicine, why did Rockefeller et al have such an interest in medical education? Rockefeller had made a massive fortune with Standard Oil and was setting his sights on gaining a monopoly in the drug and pharmaceutical industry. Before the Flexner Report, mechanics made more than doctors and the brightest students avoided the profession to enter the clergy. Eric Schmidt, L.Ac, Dipl. John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and others saw this as aprogression of peddling pharmaceuticals, which began as byproducts of oil refinement. https://www.bitchute.com/video/fkn8Ib3yvtiq/ On behalf of all of us who have autism, and as a person who does not believe in vaccines, I have to say Im tired of seeing that that seems cause autism. Wells notes in the eBook25 Amazing (and Disturbing) Facts About the Hidden History of Medicine, Five score and two years ago, a man named Abraham Flexner was hired by John D. Rockefeller to evaluate the effectiveness of therapies being taught by medical colleges and institutions, with the ultimate goal of dominating control over pharmaceuticals. Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. But there was a problem with Rockefellers plan for the medical industry: Natural / herbal medicines were very popular in America at the time. In 1910 he published the Medical Education in the United States and Canada, known as the Flexner Report, which elevated the importance of German educational methods in the teaching of medicine. Keep in mind there were no real effective governmental agencies in place monitoring the state of affairs within the medical community, so what Flexner did at the behest of the robber barons, he did so in favor of profits rather than the long-term care of patients. (Making Economic Sense, p. 77). was a very useful tool commissioned by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. With partnerships including Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan, a new doorkeeper would existto influence legislative bodieson state and federal levels to create regulations and licensing red tape that strictly promoted drug medicine while stifling and shutting down alternative, inexpensive natural remedies. However, first he had to get rid of the competition, which consisted of natural non-allopathic healing . 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I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm. The Flexner report called for a greater education for physicians in science and to anchor medical education in our universities. Sound familiar? A national sales tax, it would replace not only personal and corporate income taxes, but Social Security, Medicare, estate and gift taxes Thirty years ago this past Sunday, the largest terrorist attack in American history up to that point occurred when a 1200-pound bomb exploded beneath the World Trade Center in New York City. Vaccines, Autonomy, and Mandates: A Libertarian Analysis, USA Police Training: Be a Ruthless Killer. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul. Rockefeller turned to his friend Andrew Carnegie, another plutocrat who made his money by monopolizing the steel industry, who devised a plan. [Evaluate Progress], How To Fund Your Treatment Without a Loan. One shocking fact that I found while researching this post was that Rockefeller didnt stop at U.S. borders. colorado river rv campground. But all convenience comes at a cost and with a long-term loss. The ICRF is one of the premiere alternative cancer treatment research organizations. I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. how the flexner report hijacked natural medicine. Abraham Flexner was not a doctor, but this school teacher and educational theorist from Louisville, Kentucky, has had a more significant impact on modern medicine than just about anyone else. Abraham Flexner was not a doctor, but a school teacher and educational theorist from Louisville, Kentucky. Drugs do a masterful job of making us feel well, and often pretty quickly. "The Flexner Report was completed in 1910, after many months of travel and study. The White House appears to have blown up the Nord Stream pipelines in a blatant act of war against Russia, not to mention Germany and other European allies. Flexner's brother, Abraham, was commissioned by Rockefeller and Henry Pritchett, then-president of the Carnegie Foundation, 5 to write a report on the state of the American medical education system. As Flexner wrote in his 1910 report: The physician's function is fast becoming social and preventative, rather than individual and curative. Email: Governor General welcomes new ambassadors to Belize, Police are still searching for Kyle Latchman, Primary schools in Southern Belize burglarized. This report was written by Abraham Flexner, published by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and funded by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. This concentrated control is the direct cause of the majority of problems with health care today.. By: Abraham Flexner Date: 1910 Source: Abraham Flexner. Its broad brush discredited the botanical, hydrotherapy and homeopathic treatments then widespread and accessible in Canadian provinces and American states. (For an example, see this one betweenReason Washington and NATO have rapidly escalated their war with Russia. He actually went into China to spread Western Medicine. Why? By means of the Flexner Report. For the most part, medicine has become tone deaf to the oath it claims to uphold the Hippocratic oath. In short, the Flexner Report enabled a monopoly on healthcare. We live in a quick-fix culture where we crave immediate gratification. Rockefellers goal was to dominate the oil, chemical, and pharmaceutical markets, so his company [Standard Oil of New Jersey] purchased a controlling interest in a huge German drug/chemical company called I.G. Bitterness is like cancer. The Flexner Report (which discredited all forms of medicine except allopathy) was the tool by which John D. Rockefeller used the AMA to dominate Western Medicine with Big Pharma drugs Enter Abraham Flexner on the Rockefeller Payroll Rockefeller paid Abraham Flexner to visit all the medical schools in the US at that time. One of our roles though is to challenge assumptions and the status quo. Flexner helped pave the way for a medical monopoly that persists to this day. The FlexnerReport (a.k.a. Rockefeller knew that to get total control of the medical industry he would have to expunge the competition. (Making Economic Sense, p. 76). I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug. A lot of knowledge has been suppressed in favor of lab-based synthetic treatments and quick fixes. And while some good came out of the Flexner Report, what really came out was a new as-of-yet untapped way to turn a profit through medical science without the competition of medical professionals outside the fold. 4. Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. Teachings on diet and other natural (non-drug) treatments were also completely removed from medical programs. Big questions are being thrashed out these days. This concentrated control is the direct cause of the majority of problems with health care today.. Natural medicine practitioners would be on that list. You and 3000(!!!) A doctor who threw you a bottle of science while only skimming the surface of your overall health? While this system has done many good things, we believe we have given it too much power. The United States spends 15% of its GDP on healthcare, but it does not focus on the cure, but on the symptoms, thus creating recurring clients. A reader can pick up plenty of books on the Progressive Era and find barely a mention of the AMA, yet the medical mess we have today took root during that era. 30th Anniversary of the FBIs Biggest Bomb, Public vs. Could a National Sales Tax Be a Viable Alternative to the Income Tax? Close. My kids and grandkids have never been vaccinated, and yet they are autistic. Drugs do a masterful job of making us feel well, and often pretty quickly. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. In 1910 he published the book-length report Medical Education in the United States and Canada which is now known as the Flexner Report. Two-thirds of these funds went to only seven schools. With partnerships including Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan, a new doorkeeper would exist to influence legislative bodies on state and federal levels to create regulations and licensing red tape that strictly promoted drug medicine while stifling and shutting down alternative, inexpensive natural remedies. The professions infatuation with the hyper-rational world of German medicine created an excellence in science that was not balanced by a comparable excellence in clinical caring. Flexner Report - Wikipedia Summary is that there was a takeover by the PTB of creating what we know as medicine nowadays, and the true healing medicine needed to be buried, including: - Osteopathy - Electrotherapy - Eclectic medicine (herbs and stuff) - Naturopathy - Homeopathy The Flexner Report, commissioned by Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation, led to a complete and radical overhaul of the medical system. In short, the Flexner Report enabled a monopoly on healthcare. There is no industrial cure for cancer, diabetes, autism, asthma, or even the flu. Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.Bulletin Number Four. But for the most part, medicine has become tone deaf to the oath it claims to uphold the Hippocratic oath. share. What Happens When a Towns Entire Police Force Quits? The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold with high profits. Posted by 2 years ago. Rockefellers first move was to use his vast wealth (from oil) to purchase part of the German pharmaceutical company I.G. robert ri'chard brother; does medicare cover kidney stone removal; So now, 100 years later, we are producing doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practice. Many aspects of the present-day American medical profession stem from the Flexner Report and its aftermath. The Abraham Flexner Report of 1910 ~ How the Flexner Report hijacked natural medicine. Can look at my 3000 number family, not all of whom are vaccinated, but all of whom are autistic, is proof. But isnt this sort of what youd expect when an evil genius all intellect, no compassion like Rockefeller determines the future of medical education and care? Same goes for thought. The Flexner Report: How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine The Flexner Report. Sometime during this 117th U.S. Congress, the long-proposed Fair Tax will likely receive its first-ever floor vote in the House. Dendritic cells: The awakening of your immune system, Conners Clinic focuses on personalized touch, Integrative complements conventional medicine, The Maverick M.D. a literary tour de force of, Benefits of juicing during cancer treatment, Expecting an effective treatment?

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how the flexner report hijacked natural medicine

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