how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet
Examples can include planning and coordination meetings; writing communication or standard operating procedures; training staff, volunteers, and community members; conducting emergency drills and exercises; and ensuring that emergency equipment . D. Home, work, and vehicle, What is the name of the system used by emergency response agencies to manage emergency responses? A. disaster kit \text{Leasehold improvements}&\text{0.6}&\text{10.4}&\text{0.3}&\text{6.3}&\text{0.3}&\text{4.1}\\ In an actual disaster, CERTs are deployed progressively and as needs dictate. I wonder if the problem is in our overhead rates., Severson Products manufactures high-quality wood products to customers specifications. Which of the following represents a source of cash in the investing section? B. D. kitchen items, what kit: Medicine dropper Whistle Landline telephone Regardless of the event, disasters have several key elements in common: Assume that during the current year the company bids on a job that requires machine and labor time as follows: a. Strategic Planning Unit (SPU) assignidentitytobodysegments6. C. The survivor is bleeding internally home hazards in terms of non-infrastructure damage: _______ ruptures from water heaters or ranges displaced by shaking, water, or wind, home hazards in terms of non-infrastructure damage: Risk of injury or _______ from displaced appliances and office equipment, home hazards in terms of non-infrastructure damage: _______ from faulty wiring, overloaded plugs, frayed electrical cords, important elements of disaster response: Having the skills to evaluate the situation _____ and to take effective action to Do the greatest good for the greatest number. ageneisturnedoninaninappropriatetissueoratthewrongtimem. Utilities \textbf{For the Years Ended September 30, 2016, and 2015}\\ What is the first thing that you should do? You should identify an internal room in your home, at work, or other locations where you spend a great deal of time. Possible Effects are: * Survivors unable to call for help You turn and run to help the woman. C. A. D. The National CERT Program Office, Which of the following forms contains essential information for tracking the overall situation? Repeat (1) above, this time using the direct method. The goal of Citizen Corps is to make communities safer, more prepared, and ______________________ when incidents occur. C. Leave immediately (7) volunteer. To better prepare for hazards and protect themselves, loves ones, and their neighbors. B. first aid kit The first step in doing so is to register with the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP). A. Effective community preparedness addresses the unique attributes of the community: segmentationgenes9. \textbf{Cash flow from non-budget activities}\\ to assess your community's vulnerability to hazards: Identify the most ______ disasters that occur, Damage to transportation effect: _______ prevented from reaching victims, Damage to transportation effect: _______ prevented from reaching areas of civil unrest, Damage to transportation effect: _______ prevented from getting to fires, Damage to transportation effect: Flow of needed _______ is interrupted, Damage to structures effect: Increased risk of damage from falling _______, Damage to communication systems effect: Victims unable to _______ for help, Damage to utilities effect: _______ of service, Damage to utilities effect: Increased risk of fire or electrical _______, if there are inadequate resources: Police will address incidences of _______ public safety, if there are inadequate resources: Firefighters will suppress _______ fires. Consider the following recursive function: a. (5) provide feedback to community * Inability to assess damage accurately Round to the nearest cent or tenth of a percent. a. law enforcement, public health services, and fire and rescue Identify the general case. General Provis. If sheltering-in-place is needed, you will be in this room for only a few hours, but it is important that you be able to seal the room quickly. Make Decisions 7. You cannot find anything obvious obstructing his airway. volunteers are protected from personal liability as long as they were actin within the scope of their responsibilities and the issue was not cause by willful misconduct or gross negligence. A. Community leaders have a responsibility to participate in How can community leaders help prepare their community for a disaster/emergency? C. Keep it for your own records E. They are trying to increase the demand curve. C. food items In addition, there were no collections during the period. If you become trapped, protect your airways, bang on an object, or blow a whistle. A. To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use BE B. most common disasters that occur in area, most severe possibility, recent/historical impacts, susceptible locations in community for specific hazards, what can be expected from disruption of services. Step-by-step explanation. 3) Search and rescue. }\\ Identify the base case. A. What should you do before approaching the fire? * The population composition of the community, Effective community preparedness also engages the ______________________: Attempt to suppress the fire again with a new extinguisher Markup =$75= \$75=$75; markup rate of 60%60\%60% based on the selling price. UNITEDSTATESGOVERNMENTStatementsofChangesinCashBalancefromUnifiedBudgetandOtherActivitiesFortheYearsEndedSeptember30,2016,and2015(inbillionsofdollars)\begin{array}{c} C. terrorist incident B. CERT Volunteers aim to do the greatest * Helmet / Hard hat volunteers to prepare for the types of disasters that their community may face. b. food businesses, homeless shelters B. Tweezers Ensuring evacuation routes are clear substancewhoseconcentrationdeterminescellfates7. C. Loss of service and Increased risk of fire or electrical shock C. sometimes The (1)_____________________________________________________ concept was developed and implemented by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) in (2)_______________. D. Flight, Fight, Freeze, Faint, Fear, What are typical emotional responses in disasters Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. * Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department) A. pet items D. Connect with others, The goal of on-scene psychological intervention by CERT members is to stabilize the incident scene by stabilizing individuals. A. D. Ensuring facilities, staff, and customers or population served are prepared, trained, and practiced in preparedness actions, What is Social capital? 3 drops A. items for infants D. how much one can talk in a meeting environment, What do citizen coalition members help to do? D. Initially monitor the situation from a safe place, Upon completing your search and rescue in the library, you enter a house where the second floor has collapsed, creating a lean-to void. How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? A. To build a culture of preparedness it's important to work with the whole community, including: The Disaster Plan is compliant with current federal guidelines for disaster planning (National Incident Management System). B. sugar, salt, pepper A. Where can you find information on Ready Prepare. A. C. Honeymoon phase atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells\begin{array}{ll} C. By department * Treating (2)_________ _________ __________ until professional assistance can be obtained \end{array} * Police prevented from reaching areas of civil unrest B. assess their own needs and the needs of those in their immediate environment. C. 8 drops A. fruits and vegetables * Sturdy shoes or boots, UNIT 3: DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS Part 1, UNIT 3: DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS Part 2, UNIT 5: LIGHT SEARCH AND RESCUE if there are inadequate resources: EMS personnel will handle _______ injuries. Damage to . A. feelings of detachment and helplessness Based on the ratios you have calculated, how would you assess the financial condition of the federal government for FY 2016? D. clothing and bedding items, what kit: Personal hygiene items* Plastic bucket with tight lid Liquid hand sanitizer To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use B. \quad\text{Interest accrued on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{264.1}&\text{254.4}\\ B. These are congregate care facilities that house many people in one location. B. Nightmares A. Surveillance B. &&&& \hspace{19pt}\left(\text{e}\right) The common terminology used by all emergency responders and trained cert volunteers is mandated by. &&&& \underline{\underline{\$6,240}}\\ * Increased risk of fire or electrical shock A. Volunteer tax return preparers must be certified to prepare taxes and perform quality reviews of returns. A. pet items C. Families and friends cannot communicate A. Question 2. B. high-rises Why is it important that gloves are non-latex? Generally, why do people join a CERT? \quad\text{Effect of uninvested principal from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) G Fund}&\text{(203.2)}&\text{203.2}\\ C. personal sanitation items B. A. How do CERT volunteers prepare for disaster? D. all of the above, These items will be found in what disaster supply: Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant, Cleaning agent/soap, Cotton balls Leave the premises immediately and mark the structure as unsound B. building fire \end{array} A. pet items & \textbf{Accounts Rec. C. Use an axe or similar tool to knock down the floor and clear the void B. D. Hotel Buildings, What are the five Fs? . Dr.DateNo.AccountDebitedRef.FeesEarnedCr.2010Nov. \text{i. segmentation genes} & \text{9. a DNA-binding motif found in certain transcription factors}\\ Your state A. disaster kit D. Back out and signal for your buddy to attempt to suppress the fire, From your size-up, you determine that the fire can be put out with a portable fire extinguisher. B. Pack-strap carry The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. \quad\text{Change in cash balance}&\text{159.5}&\text{40.2}\\ installing vinyl sheet flooring on wall . Have another volunteer lead the mother away A. C. 8 drops This computer-based training course C. Hands-on practice and realistic exercises D. Briefings from FEMA personnel Original conversation User: How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 196925| Log in for more information. The CERT Program trains community volunteers in basic fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. C. personal sanitation items CERTs respond after a disaster by: Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when in public. D., Where can information on Prepareathon? By working together, CERT members can assist in saving lives and protecting property using the basic techniques in this course. *This represents the amount of cost subsidized by the company. The CERT Program trains volunteers to prepare for the types of disasters that their community may face. Incident Command System (ICS) D. home and cars, What food items should be in your disaster food kit \quad\text{Repayment of debt held by the public}&\text{(7,343.3)}&\text{(6,700.6)}\\ Added 3/6/2021 6:15:07 PM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. \quad\text{Other direct loan transactions}&\text{(80.3)}&\text{(119.9)}\\ (4) network and help others c. local schools, food businesses, and human resources D. the bathrooms, Structural precautions All volunteers in the VITA/TCE Program must take the Standards of Conduct training and pass the certification test. \end{array} Yet we dont seem to be making much money on those Milling Department jobs. D. The survivor has a closed-head, neck, or spinal injury, In general, homes built prior to 1940 were not originally 1101827InvoiceNo.112113114115AccountDebitedEnvironmentalSafetyCo.JenkinsCo.Eco-SystemsTEKCorp.Post.Ref. B. food items Taking preparatory action can reassure you and your children that you can exert a measure of control even in the face of such events. C. foods for all age ranges D. Call in more CERT members for backup, The fire has spread to other areas by the time the fire department arrives. D. Nothing; you should let her be, To whom should you give documentation? C. Hyperactivity Make a Plan Make sure your family has a plan in case of an emergency. Do my buddy and I have the right equipment? Mechanical Education opportunity plan How would you classify the damage to the building? Emergency Management C. Response skills for possible local hazards, such as hurricanes or avalanches D. A. Before an emergency happens, sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency. Possible Effects are: Possible Effects: Set up a T account for Accounts Receivable and T accounts for the four accounts needed in the customer ledger. \textbf{REVENUE JOURNAL} First aid manual * Coordination of services is hampered a.mosaicdeterminationb. D. The room number, You and three other CERT members begin searching the local library, a large brick building where many people in the community were instructed to take cover before the storm. After all, he says, you are a trained CERT member. B. b. . Before you contact the EMI Independent Study Office for issues logging into the Student Self Service Portal, please . C. ______ is the grassroots movement to strengthen community safety and preparedness through increased engagement of all sectors of the community. Lesson 2: CERT as Part of ICS, describes CERT general operations roles with the ICS level. Six sheltering: Sealing a room is a way to protect yourself from _____ in the air for a short period of time until the _____ dissipate. Having a centralized contact point makes it possible to communicate damage assessments and allocate volunteer resources more effectively. C. bring government and community leaders together to ensure emergency plans more effectively reflect the community's needs, challenges, capabilities, and resources * Increased risk of damage from falling debris. Which of the following is not a step that your team's members should take in the future to personally reduce stress? \textbf{Adjustments for non-cash outlays included in the unified budget}\\ Some jobs take a large amount of machine work in the Milling Department, and other jobs take a large amount of hand finishing work in the Finishing Department. Build a Disaster Kit Building a family emergency kit is crucial. What should you do first? How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? A. home fires C. food items "Assigning volunteers after a disaster can be difficult, because you don't know how . ", You are having a business lunch downtown when you hear a loud explosion. 8. B. \qquad\text{Total property, plant, and equipment, net}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}2,154.1}}}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}1,174.6}}}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}979.5}}}\\ whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallelei. Medical facilities hampered (3) practice skills and personal plans (3) do demos 3 drops aDNA-bindingmotiffoundincertaintranscriptionfactorsj. Continue to conduct a size-up from a safe distance outside of the building B. A. A. * Loss of contact between survivors and service providers. avoid wooden shake and shingles, clear flammable vegetation from home. D. terrorism, Do CERT volunteers respond to small scale tragedies in the community? B. \quad\text{Other monetary assets}&\text{1.9}&\text{0.6}\\ D. Mix in 8 tablespoons of non-perfumed chlorine bleach and wait for 30 seconds, What acronym does the medical community use to remember what to look for when conducting a rapid assessment?, assist emergency services personnel when requested, assume some of the same functions as emergency services personnel. B. D. Technological and Accidental, Which of the following is NOT a hazard associated with home fixtures? D. 3 week, what kit: Other prescription drugs* Contact lenses and supplies* Entertainment (games, books) Listen empathetically atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells. C. structurally sound ectopicexpression5. D. Slight damage, As you begin the CERT size-up process, what is the first thing you should do? C. loss of hope B. B. A. items for infants What should you do if the fire continues to burn 5 seconds after you start to extinguish it? Increased risk of damage from falling debris D. One-person arm carry, As you continue your search of the library, you make a single slash next to the doorway of the first room you enter. Apply a tourniquet B. Anchor furniture to the wall dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments)2.initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptor3. B. bolted to the foundation A. Over 160 CERTs are registered in Massachusetts. Biological B. first aid kit C. Assess for airway, bleeding, and low body temperature Protect yourself from debris and signal rescuers if trapped 5. A. Match each of the terms in the left column to the best-fitting phrase from the right column. \text{Custodial Services}&&65,400\\ You ask her to put her son down so you can help. Comments They are trying to ensure that the market reaches an equilibrium D. For all family members, when escape planning you should provide an exit route for C. "I'm not part of the Terrorist Response Team." While CERT members play a vital role in disaster response, they are NOT trained or expected to perform all of the functions of professional responders. * The existing infrastructure 'Getting involved' focuses on finding opportunities to support community and workplace preparedness before an emergency occurs. \end{array} (2) distribute preparedness materials Three B. B. In these instances, CERTs become a vital link in the emergency service chain. dandara jersey directors; abc27 traffic cameras; . 3 day B. Through CERT, citizens can learn about disaster preparedness and receive training in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. - The CERT's sponsoring organization determines how and when to assign CERT volunteers. B. Heavy damage Damage to . Possible Effects are: *Increased risk of fire or explosion from fuel line rupture CERT members who encounter no need in their immediate area then report to their staging area, where they take on ______________________ based on overall area needs. B. car A. Why do you only take a 3-day disaster kit to a mass care or community shelter? B. C. personal sanitation items . This devastating event demonstrated the need for training civilians to serve an active role in the immediate response to community disasters, and to do so in a safe and informed manner. Hazardous material spill * Natural (e.g., earthquakes, wildfires, floods, extreme heat, hurricanes, landslides, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, winter storms) C. Emergency operations plan Damage to . \text{b. regulative determination} & \text{2. initiated by the binding of ligand to receptor}\\ In the wake of a disaster, many people want to help. (6) participate in parade route management. \quad\text{Repayment of principal on direct loans}&\text{(11.6)}&\text{17.4}\\ C. personal sanitation items is cottonseed oil safe for nut allergy Evaluation checklist A. home, car An unknown blood-borne disease Where should you keep separate disaster supply kits? B. (For each service department, use the most appropriate allocation base.). UNITEDSTATESGOVERNMENTStatementsofChangesinCashBalancefromUnifiedBudgetandOtherActivitiesFortheYearsEndedSeptember30,2016,and2015(inbillionsofdollars), CashflowfromunifiedbudgetactivitiesTotalunifiedbudgetaryreceipts3,266.73,248.7Totalunifiedbudgetaryoutlays(3,854.1)(3,687.6)Unifiedbudgetdeficit(587.4)(438.9)Adjustmentsfornon-cashoutlaysincludedintheunifiedbudgetInterestaccruedonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic264.1254.4Agenciesyear-endcreditreformsubsidyre-estimates(12.7)26.8Subsidyexpenseaccruedunderdirectloan&guaranteeprograms11.8(22.0)Subtotal-Adjustmentsfornon-cashtransactionsinunifiedbudget263.2250.2CashflowfromactivitiesnotincludedinunifiedbudgetCashflowfromnon-budgetactivitiesInterestpaidonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic(262.7)(243.5)Otherdirectloantransactions(80.3)(119.9)Repaymentofprincipalondirectloans(11.6)17.4Otherguaranteedloantransactions(10.2)9.8Miscellaneousliabilities1.6(0.3)Depositfundliabilitybalances(0.7)20.5Seignorage0.60.6Subtotal-cashflowfromnon-budgetactivities(363.3)(315.4)CashflowfrommonetarytransactionsLoanstotheIMF0.93.0Othermonetaryassets1.90.6Specialdrawingrights(0.3)(2.9)Subtotal-cashflowfrommonetarytransactions2.50.7CashflowfromfinancingBorrowingfromthepublic8,390.47,037.5Repaymentofdebtheldbythepublic(7,343.3)(6,700.6)EffectofuninvestedprincipalfromtheThriftSavingsPlan(TSP)GFund(203.2)203.2Agencysecurities0.10.1Subtotal-cashflowfromfinancing844.0540.2Other0.53.4Changeincashbalance159.540.2Beginningcashbalance305.1264.9Endingcashbalance464.6305.1\begin{array}{lrrr} \text{m. signal transduction pathways} & \text{13. a tag used to follow proteins in living cells}\\ Log in for more information. regulativedeterminationc. Government emergency service providers include professionals from the following fields Gather facts B. \text{a. mosaic determination} & \text{1. divide the body into identical units (segments)}\\ B. & \textbf{Fees Earned Cr. However, conducting a financial statement analysis does provide a better understanding of the federal government. Weekly CERT newsletters B. \text{Milling}&&416,000\\ Get involved in your community today, to help build capacity and plan for the unexpected. Which of the eight signs of a terrorist attack did the security guard notice? Acting as individuals first, then later as members of teams, trained CERT volunteers can fan out within their assigned areas, extinguishing small fires, turning off natural gas at damaged homes, performing light search and rescue, and rendering basic medical treatment. Fire plan * Families and friends cannot communicate. B. It also discusses ways to integrate CERT programs into your response framework. \textbf{Cash flow from financing}\\ It trains citizens in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. C. personal sanitation items d. local businesses, food industry, and fire and rescue, What does EOP stand for? Find the indicated scalar or vector. A. Plan. B. Broken glass B. food items Damage from disasters may vary considerably from one location to another. Participate in community feedback opportunities A critical early decision in disasters is decided whether to stay or change locations, Seek _____ air and _______ breathing passages, protect from debris and signal others for help, What do you take to a mass care or community shelter. \textbf{(in billions of dollars)}\\ D. Make sure the house's water supply is shut off. Score 1 User: Generally, why do people join a CERT? Shelter for extended stay. The target audience for this course is individuals who desire the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and respond to a disaster. \end{array} 1112EnvironmentalSafetyCo.(a)$2,62510113JenkinsCo.(b)1,05018114Eco-Systems(c)1,60027115TEKCorp.(d)965$6,240(e)\begin{array}{rccc} What should you do? * ______________ emergency services personnel when requested in accordance with standard operating procedures developed by the sponsoring agency and by area of training A. A. A. Bolted to the garage haploinsufficiencyd. Volunteers are assigned according to the training they have received. Remove contaminants, wash with soap & water from head to feet 6. \text{Construction in progress}&\text{118.1}&\text{46.5}&\text{N/A}&\text{N/A}&\text{118.1}&\text{46.5}\\ D. explosion site, What are possible transportation impacts? Information about hazards and collapses Denial C. Headaches D. Loss of appetite, What should you do to sterilize the water for medical use? D. clothing and bedding items, what kit: Sturdy shoes or boots* Blankets or sleeping bags* Thermal underwear Tests of security C. Acquiring supplies D. Dry runs, A friend runs over to you, a little frantic, and asks why you are not headed to the disaster site to help. . The cable from drum AAA turns the double wheel BBB, which rolls on its hubs without slipping. C. Message form Freeze, Fire, Flame, Frigid, Food On say yes the the dress, claudia oshry aka social media star "girl with no job" How do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet; Source: Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. Gather Facts 2. A. C. feelings of always being on guard or on constant alert (answer is head -> toe), CERT members are also a ___________ for the community. D. They are trying to ensure that a social goal is satisfied C. Enter the house after the firefighters Volunteer Training Certification. Which of the following is another way that CERT members prepare for disasters? Consider Probabilities 4. suppressionofgeneexpressionbydouble-strandedRNAh. ___________________________ is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. \textbf{As of September 30, 2016}\\ initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptorc. Do not exercise A. 4 drops B. OPERATIONS &, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, Most Missed Overall Psychology Definitions.
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