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president james dean monument mythos

Prior to the Great Division, he was just a regular man who was friends with President Dean. It would take three hours after the broadcast to shut down all sirens in America. Vertex-Son. Little Bastard is the name of James Dean's racing car. Type of Hero A popular joke in the fandom is that Dean survived The Great Division by driving away from it, racing with The Horned Serpent, or just tanking the blow. Hillary Clinton is president of the United States in 2021, and during that same revelation, she elects to resolve the incident regarding the stuck and obstructive Ever Given by using nuclear force in the Suez Canal to dislodge the ship. George Washington, stretched out within Wonderland for a long amount of time. It makes its first appearance in WASHINGTONWANDERER. As a mass of Alcatraz matter that managed to assimilate the properties of the Horned Serpent and Wonderland, Nixon is effectively a composite of the myriad anomalies that affected the Deanverse. Actor (formerly)President of the United States The level of abomination will depend on whether he's the same Horned Serpent MAIZE tampered with or not. -M-NUva, Do-Gooder THE ADVOCATES WERE DERANGED. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS alex has to pick the most baller music for his videos ong . Nathaniel and Maya Arnoldson in their Canyon Crown form trying to have a family reunion. Justified in the spelling errors, as the English language was under a, After not appearing since her titular episode, she returns in, Both are superpowered royalty who encounter humanity by accident. he's no longer himself, but an Alcatraz-created copy down to the subatomic level leads him to kill himself via self-immolation. do not listen to your captors, proceed to antarctica. The Queen slides right up to the side of the Knight from the edge of the board, where a Knight cannot target it; just escape and get targeted again or move to a spot where it can be captured without much fuss, while the Queen speaks about the Lunarians' prophecy, and what it promises even for the Knight if he joins them. This rumor would curve Nixon's chances of victory. Nixon has to destroy the Crescent King, one of his "extensions," since he will become one of the most dangerous leaders in the universe. the still-living flesh of both Thomas Crawford and his daughter. It was used as a basis for technology produced by Maize before a certain incident occurred that put a stop to those ventures. Assumingly having the same backstory as his real life . The Anti-Dean Association WTFBOOOMSH. Instead, electronic technology seems to be firmly stuck in the 1980s, with crude replacements for modern web apps like the Maize Movie Maker pseudo-computer and the TWTTR-Machine (or T-Machine) pseudo cell phone. That all changes when he ends up captured and brainwashed by the USA Government for his unpredictable behavior in war, turning him into a Person of Mass Destruction as an impersonator of Jesus Christ. In our world, Ed Dwight was an African-American test pilot who joined the early astronaut program but was controversially blocked from joining NASA. Both Alice and Maya were supposedly doomed to live inside a statue, only to be freed, and decapitated by an anomaly soon after. Drew President Washington. He has been a sexyman since the first video with him in it dropped, with many wanting to be friends with him, but he blew up when his bad boy side was revealed . In truth, he had managed to place his whole body into the statue itself. Possibly subverted on the "enemy" part, in that it's never actually shown doing anything hostile; while there are a great number of casualties attributed to it, these result from the aftermath of it tripping and falling and were not the result of any intentional action on the part of the Crab. "The devourer of villages." Family Her fate, at the hands of Freedom no less. Monument Mythos is great in that it assumes its viewers are intelligent enough to piece together what has happened and causes horrifying realizations when you figure it out. The ADA claim that they became a "walking atomic bomb," and they will use them to divide the three zones into as many states as they can. James Bryon Dean Whether he was simply vaporized to the point absolutely nothing was left or actually taken elsewhere entirely remains unanswered. And given the ADA's track record and stated plans for them, this still makes it very ambiguous as to whether they are actually a. ", not to save humanity and drive back the Lunarians, but to murder Alice Avenue for ", This is subverted in the very next episode, where it's revealed that the Knight murdered Alice by accident. James Dean (THE MONUMENT MYTHOS) President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. Civilians would slowly leave the bunkers the day after, while some stayed due to the possibility of nuclear fallout. On the other end of the tech development scale, computers are shown to be willfully restricted in development, with one being developed in the 1970s and all others since being illegal. they are former US soldiers who were disintegrated and turned into the Angel. Despite his superiority over America, James is quite good natured and nice to talk to, happily racing cars with his political opponents. Subverted as of. She would be used for assassination of ADA members by Maize and the US Government. the Lunarians after they attempt to recruit them into their kingdom as prince, destroying Lunarians bodies and cloud ships in just a few seconds. James DeanPresident James DeanDeanPresident DeanSatan Jimmy The only one on the Lunarian side to escape the Knight's "Alcatraz Checkmate. After surviving the end of the Deanverse, Nixon landed on the Moon and created three beings out of himself to see how this new world would react to him: The Last Son, the Knight, and the Queen. "Heroic" is a bit of a stretch, but Nixon is content to leave his rogue "extensions," the. the actual number of Pyramids is in the near thousands, with there being countless Special Trees in each and every one. Due to repeated assassination attempts on John F. Kennedy, the Democratic Party debates were postponed until two weeks before the election, where Dean would invite Nixon to a race car race. James Dean (THE MONUMENT MYTHOS) Wiki Article. After arriving to the Deanverse a second time as an adult, she underwent an unsuccessful lobotomy and gave people a more complete version of the fact, this time with the segments of Wonderland almost intact. In the Nixonverse, a counterpart of James Dean that was more akin to his real life self was living there. It eventually gets replaced with a Lunarian eye. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! The Washington Wanderer is a mysterious figure that appeared at the top of the Washington Monument after it was destroyed by the special tree within it. Martin Luther King Jr. survived an assassination attempt back in April 1968, as did Robert Kennedy. both the Cornerfolk and the Special Trees share multiple similarities. They used to be a bicorn hat prior to Washington's transformation. Their first appearance is in DEANDEMOCRACY. Our Presidents Are Different: President James Dean is treated as a President Sue, being such an awesome, progressive, . turning the Last Son of Alcatraz into a twisted visage of Christ and unleashing him upon their enemies and using copious amounts of Christian iconography to justify their conquests, all seemingly at the behest of a "God" that was once Richard Nixon. For tropes applying to his "equivalent" in another universe, see The Crescent King below. The titular antagonists of the series, mysterious houses that have appeared on the Ocean as early as 1939. Honorable President, President James DeanDeanPresident DeanSatan Jimmy, Superhuman durabilityRace car drivingSuperhuman charisma. However, in this universe Alcatraz is much, much different, and alive. He had no say. The most prominent family in the first two seasons, who often encounter and end up as victims of the various paranormal anomalies in the Deanverse. and seek to do so, to release the Horned Serpent. Dean actually does care about the American people and actively tries to help them, whether personally or by rousing the government into action, but also uses his opposition as sacrifices for Special Trees and Freedom, and has likely elected someone to be a Lincoln Looker as per tradition. It also isn't until he kills James Dean that he even awakens his powers. False children organize into the STARRYSPHINX. We never learn anything about "Her" in the Nixonverse's finale, or if she even exists at all. Him dropping it might be foreshadowing to the Lunarians slowly but surely mangling the English language. Goals Both events end with the same superpowered entity regretting their decision to tamper with the universe's timeline and making an uneasy sacrifice to finally restore the timeline into what it was originally meant to be. Assist in restoring power across the US during the DEANDEMOCRACY campaign due to ADA sabotage of infrastructure. The first victim of the Knight's "Alcatraz Checkmate," which involves being consumed whole by Alcatraz matter. President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. Them taking down the power lines in the Southeast causes Dean to go down himself and fix them, bringing up public support for him even more. that takes the D-Day Knight to fully stop. Dean would also successfully shut down a siren himself, greatly damaging his ears, blood vessels, and skin, causing him to go deaf. While the Knight manages to somewhat, Unlike the anomalies of the Deanverse, the superhumans of the Nixonverse didn't start out as monsters. A rumor would spread that Nixon would admit Dean would be a better president than him, and would even vote for him. The various entities that crop up around the monuments- including the Horned Serpent, Great Sphinx of Giza, and, James Dean confuses the issue a bit by applying the label to more mundane threats like global climate change and, Alcatraz doubles as this, being a single celled organism, The Rockefeller airships are effectively indestructible, not due to their construction, but because the gas has been substituted out for, Possibly everything produced by Maize Technologies, or at least their early computers, seem to have been made, The recording of Mt. from the time she puts the star on the Special Tree to the last video debuted in is a conga line of hurt, being abandoned by her parents and lamenting the life she lost, She's lobotomized and eventually dies, her last actions being interviewed over her later life and paintings involving her family, friends, her lover, and her baby/friend she met through the Special Trees dimension. The loss of his extensions' sanity has convinced him that he cannot risk stepping foot on Earth either and that he's content to live in isolation on the Moon instead. As we see later in the video, this may not be true. According to a Discord Q&A by Alex, she apparently has knowledge of what happened in the Deanverse and is implied to be aware of who the Horned Serpent is. at all pleasant or healthy from their time in their state. Many would have nervous breakdowns before the countdown ended, claiming that DEANDEMOCRACY was codename for all out nuclear war. which is made out of a substance similar to baby powder, this prevents the Great Division from happening. Sightings of swordsmen in the Grand Canyon continue to this day. their divided particles are able to travel across time, and somehow. Attempts to convince the Knight to join her and the Lunarians as their Prince. The Monument Mythos WASHINGTONWORMHOLE. a barely visible silhoutte of her corpse falling from the Chrysler Building in. 0 coins. They would be brought to Special Trees near the Washington Monument to swap them for their Nixonverse selves, creating a drastic change in their personalities and memories. the trope still applies but with the roles flipped, the US government being the gray and the ADA being the black. Or rather, as, this sets off a chain of events that leads to the Last Son turning. In addition, the end of the New Delaware Journal's final broadcast gives us an explanation for the series as a whole. Many viewing the broadcast would celebrate due to Dean's accurate portrayal of the frustrations of Vietnam, and due to popular demand, the evening news for ABC is cancelled the next night, and is replaced by a 30 minute loop of the campaign ad. The title he's given during WW2, "The D-Day Knight," is in reference to. Unlike the Amazons who are compassionate beings despite their distrust of humanity, the Lunarians are shown to be, Their demise is not pretty. Lovecraft . Twice, actually. None james dean monument mythos. the inhabitants of this new universe. After being brainwashed by the USA Government, he's brainwashed into believing he's Jesus Christ himself. The Monument Mythos (2020) Source Group: Internet Series; Category: Television; 8 characters in The Monument Mythos (2020) are available for you to type their personalities: President James Dean, Everett Arnoldson, President John D. Rockefeller. The Anti-Device Association, originally the Anti-Dean Association, and later the splinter group Advocates for the Division of America, are a reactionary terrorist group who both oppose the progressive policies of the Dean administration and try to expose the secrets of the anomalous world they live in. The thing is, the Tree only seems to activate under certain conditions, such was the case of the 2003 Infection, leaving it's victims effectively in an infinite cycle of torture without outside help. Nathaniel's son. The Knight is later revealed to be an extension of the Moon God, Richard Nixon. A peculiar being, also known as the "Air Force One Angel," which hijacked Air Force One in 2003. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS lunarians! The Crescent King is in your head. The White House would also be placed on lockdown, Dean would be ushered to a bunker, but due to hearing the agonizing screams of American citizens, he refused. Luna has no problem with ordering the Last Son's abduction and turning him into the Crescent King, while the Knight also has no problem. after being manipulated into causing the Unification of 2003, the Angel destroys the ADA and offers America an ultimatum: Ultimately, it's also responsible for the events of the Nixonverse as well, as it's destruction/assimilation of the Earth caused Nixon to escape from it into the Nixonverse, While George Washington was admittedly not the best individual, he was far less villainous than the. Various groups, coined the "House Clubs" have attempted to attack it, to no avail. As it turns out, he and Virginia's lover (also named Leonard) from. In, a younger version of him is read about in. Chaoslord: he is a chaotic MASTERMIND and we love him for it. And of course, every once in a while a more general piece of alternate tech appears, like a Concorde jetliner being used to represent a 2021 airliner. 1931) Democratic: 1968: Jeane Kirkpatrick: 1972: 38: January 20, 1977 . A select group of unusually tall, Greco-Egyptian swordsmen who patrol the forbidden zones of the Grand Canyon, armed with fine blades of Giza Glass. Both events start with a super-powered being altering with the timeline, but whereas Flash did it to save his own mother disregarding any consequences the subsequent ripple effect may cause, Nixon did it to see if humanity would approve of a being as powerful as him. President Evil: Zigzagged. The Suez Canal Crab is a gigantic crustacean-esque creature that was awoken by a thermonuclear bomb intended to free the Ever Given from the Suez Canal. He has been the subject of hate by the Anti-Dean . Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Durability, Social Influencing, Extreme Luck and Inhuman Charisma . Their otherworldly counterparts have also gone missing, and they incidentally arrived in their world to their 'parents,' only for everyone to realize that something has gone horribly, horribly wrong once the kids are examined. Racing cars Thanks! 3 4. virginia and the last son meet up. Nixon would congratulate Dean the morning after Election Day, and Dean would ignore the win, and would ask Nixon to race on the track. Alcatraz, as many already know, is a prison island situated near California. It first appears in ALCATRAZATTACK. Capitalist: he's the president. In a more obvious and face value meaning, the military are indeed chasing a wandering robot. Reply . George Washington aka The Horned Serpent serves as this for the first two seasons as the power behind Maize and the ADA.

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president james dean monument mythos

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